Goleman offers a raft of height safety services, from site safety assessments, to inspections, certifications/recertifications and design.
Goleman Group’s intimate understanding of workplace safety and underpins our expertise in height access and fall protection solutions across New Zealand’s commercial, retail and industrial markets. Our height safety systems can be customised to suit your needs, using our advanced fabrication techniques.
Goleman is New Zealand’s largest supplier and installer of Kattsafe height access and fall protection systems. We provide systems that are easy to use, health and safety compliant, and conform with manufacturer instructions. And customisable to your site requirements. From design to job done, you’re in safe hands.
A site safety assessment is the first port of call in checking your height safety, roof access and roof safety systems and equipment meet legislated safety standards. The assessment includes a written report, photographs and recommendations plus action plan for any hazards or areas of concern.
Goleman offers certifications for all our newly installed systems and recertification of any existing systems. Certification and recertification are essential to ensure your height safety and fall arrest systems remain compliant and secure for anyone working on your buildings. A Certificate of Inspection is issued for all compliant systems. You will also receive a full inspection and testing report.
Goleman offers a FREE height safety system design service. Our project designers work alongside clients and industry professionals to deliver systems that are innovative, practical to use, aesthetically pleasing and meet all regulatory requirements. We have a partnership with Masterspec to provide architects, engineers and designers with detailed specifications that can be modified to suit any project.
Contact Goleman Group to learn more about our FREE height and access safety solution design.
Expert advice, expert systems and a full range of services, from site safety assessments, to inspections, certifications/recertifications and design. Talk to us about your requirements today.
“Goleman continue to exceed my expectations with the level of care, their flexibility, their workmanship and their dedication to continually providing outstanding client care. I readily recommend their services.”